Friday, January 20, 2012

Welcome to breakfast- Day 1. Looks delish eh? You are probably questioning what it is, and if I've lost it. Well... for breakfast I was in a little bit of a rush *(note: they aren't joking when they suggest you should plan things!) So I grabbed some stuff out of my fridge and mixted it up!

I call it...
Chocolate Berry Moose
  • One handful of mixed frozen berries
  • 1/2 C of greek yogurt (got from Costco)
  • Coco powder - READ the label; I had two types, one with potentially wheat added, the other without- ironically it was the No Name brand that didn't have the added illegal ingredient.

    Mix it all together, and enjoy. It tasted SOOOOO good! (Maybe because I was hungry, maybe because I was eating berries and chocolate which I love... either way. I'll make it again)

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